One of my colleagues works in a village about 30 minutes outside of Labé returned from site visits with the following stories.
The last night before leaving her site, her counterpart sits her down and the following conversation ensused:
Mamadou: So we’re friends Roxanne, right?
Roxanne: Yes, of course, I consider us friends.
Mamadou: And we trust each other right?
Roxanne: Yes Mamadou, I trust you, and I hope that you trust me and I’m looking forward to our partnership.
Mamdou: Than can you tell me this………are their VAMPIRES in the United States?!!!
Roxanne: (confused look holding back laughter) No there are not vampires in the US.
Mamdou: WAIT I’ll show you!!
He leaves the room and returns several minutes later with a picture of a Native American.
Roxanne: (who by the way IS NATIVE AMERICAN) No, that is not a vampire Mamadou. Those are the original Americans.
Mamadou: Not a vampire?
Roxanne: No not a vampire.